North Worcestershire based companies are invited to enter a competition to win a fantastic package of free PR support that lasts a year thanks to NWedR and North Worcestershire Business Leaders (NWBL).
Now in its fourth year, The ‘Celebrating North Worcestershire’ PR competition offers the chance to win a valuable prize which will go to 12 lucky winners. The prize includes a spotlight month in the wonderful Celebrating North Worcestershire Calendar 2022 with a dedicated company photoshoot, feature in the NWedR newsletter, social media PR campaign, an online feature in Business and Innovation magazine and your company photograph highlighted for a year on the NWedR and NWBL website photo galleries.
Jane Doyle, Communications and Engagement Officer for NWedR which is a shared service for Bromsgrove District Council, Redditch Borough Council and Wyre Forest District Council said:
“This competition is now established on our annual calendar. We love the fact that the featured photographs in the calendar say so much about the company they represent. We have again joined with NWBL to organise this competition to highlight what a natural place North Worcestershire is to do business.”
Melanie Hawkett founder of NWBL said:
“We’re pleased that local businesses look forward to the annual calendar and they always get into the spirit of creatively photographing what they are about. It’s good to know that as people work from home and are more separated from their workplaces physically, there is a little taste of their workplace spirit hanging on their wall in the form of the Celebrating North Worcestershire calendar.”
The competition is open for entries until Tuesday 4 May 2021. Entering the ‘Celebrating North Worcestershire’ competition is quick and easy. Businesses across North Worcestershire are asked to submit up to 50 words on why they think the area is an exciting and inspiring place for their business. Email your entry to communications@nwedr.org.uk or enter online following the link https://www.nwedr.org.uk/celebrating/celebrating-north-worcestershire-calendar/get-involved/
To view the fabulous photo gallery of the 2021 Celebrating North Worcestershire calendar
To see the story of the original Celebrating North Worcestershire Business Calendar, visit YouTube NorthWorcsEDR
For more information on NWedR visit, www.nwedr.org.uk
Picture shows: February 2021 photograph on the Celebrating North Worcestershire Calendar with Bromsgrove company Bumble Hole Foods reminding us to celebrate Valentines Day this Sunday.